Our Mission
It’s a new day for education. Our mission is to advance educational excellence in Ozark, Missouri. We are driven by a vision to empower teachers to teach and students to learn.
Like it or not, school choice is here to stay. That means every school, public or private, must compete for students and the resources attached to those students. Our school must excel.
To that end, we must approach education with one goal in mind – education. Schools are institutions of learning. Schools are not social service agencies. Schools are not political ideology centers. Schools are not day care centers. And they do not exist to feed the labor market.
The mission of our school is to create a critical thinker who is ready to embrace the world in whatever endeavor he/she decides to follow. It is to cultivate in each and every student a rediness, willingness, and ability to follow any dream, chart any course, and make the world a better place for the next generation.